Useful Links

Salmon Run Server

Salmon Run Discord

Connect with other players and play together. They also have great resources to learn from and is well moderated for a safe space.

Salmon Run Wiki

See all the details about Salmon Run and how it works. a good read to understand how certain mechanics work in Salmon Run.


Overfishing Server

Learn about and participate in high level gameplay and play with like minded players. Also provide very detailed strategies.

See Splatoon map rotations or create a profile to track your games

Gungee Website

Loads of links to useful resources and a map viewer

Salmon Records


See the best scores for Salmon Run based on many different criteria.

Salmon Run Rotations

Future Rotations

Check out future Salmon run rotations and mark them down in your calendar

Salmon Learn

Salmon Learn

Learn the best strategies for Goldie Seeking waves. We highly recommend this tool.