HLM Bingo Card


  1. Single click a challenge to mark it as complete. If you are playing with a friend it is possible to double click a challenge to mark it with a different colour. Under Controls you can set custom colours for the Single or Double clicks.
  2. Challenges are only complete if you win the shift
  3. Can set a Timer if you wish
  4. The Randomize button alters the order of the challenges, adding some replayability value.
  5. Under Controls You can choose how you wish to play Bingo. Once complete you can click Download and Save your card as a .PNG
  6. In the challenges a total with the “+” means it must be equal to or above that number
  7. The challenges are usually applied to your individual efforts unless Team is specified




Colours: Primary: Secondary:
Splat Bombs Only WaveFog: 35+ Team Eggs30+ Golden Eggs1500+ Power Eggs3 Boss Splats exactly
No Specials5 Golden Eggs exactly4 Bosses, 1 Inkjet1200+ Power Eggs & 25+ Golden EggsTeam: 110+ Golden Eggs
Mothership: Run 0 Eggs2 Bosses, 1 SplashdownNormal Tide: Ignore MawsShoot Lid on top of other Lid5+ Flyfish Splats
Seeking: Open 2 Gushers onlyLow Tide: Join in after 20secsRun Exactly 25 EggsNo Wall Climbing2 Scrappers, 1 Stingray
Splat 1 of Each BossCohock Charge: Only Splat Lessers20+ Boss Splats, 20+ EggsSquidless Wave25+ Boss Splats
Splat Bombs OnlyFog: 50+ Team Eggs50+ Golden Eggs2000+ Power Eggs0 Boss Splats
No Specials0 Golden Eggs5 Bosses, 1 Inkjet1500+ Power Eggs & 30+ Golden EggsTeam: 130+ Golden Eggs
Mothership: Run 0 Eggs3 Bosses, 1 SplashdownNormal Tide: Ignore MawsRush: No Eggs, Specials, Wall Clings7+ Flyfish Splats
Seeking: Can't Open GushersLow Tide: Join in after 25secsRun Exactly 30 EggsNo Wall Climbing3 Bosses, 1 Crab
Splat 1 of Each BossCohock Charge: Only Splat Lessers25+ Boss Splats, 25+ EggsSquidless30+ Boss Splats

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