Everyone’s bored of Anarchy Battle. Splash-O-Matics, Crab Tanks, E-Liters, everyone has had enough. So why not change it up?
The Big Jog Tournament is a best of one, double elimination Salmon Run tournament where the goal is to collect more eggs than the opposing team on specific scenario codes handpicked by the tournament organizers.
With both a Beginner and Advanced bracket, people of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to join!
Not only that, but you don’t even need a pre-made team to join. By filling out the Solo Registration form, the tournament organizers will create a team for you with players on your skill level!
Note that Big Jog is a very experimental tournament that is ever-growing and ever-changing, so please bear with us as we improve upon our mistakes.
As with every tournament, we have rules. Please read through them thoroughly as to avoid future problems!
If a member of your team disconnects within the first two waves of a shift, allow them to reconnect and try again. If a member of your team disconnects during wave 3 or an Xtrawave, you must continue. If you have already reset once due to a disconnection, any future disconnections must be played with, regardless of what wave you’re on.
(Format could be subject to change in future)